English Language & Literature
English Translation and Interpretation
Chinese Language & Literature
Psychology (Turkish)
Turkish Language and Literature Teaching
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Beşeri Bilimler Fakültesi

İngilizce Mütercim Tercümanlık


1. Students are expected to have a firm grasp on the cultures of languages s/he works on as well as a general world knowledge at national and international levels.
2. Students are expected to know his working languages at a level to employ them successfully and satisfactorily for various ways of communication.
3. Students are expected to have an adequate level of terminology and specific field knowledge for translation activities on his/her study areas.
4. Students are expected to have a deep and comprehensive knowledge on various approaches in Translation studies.
5. Students are expected to have professional knowledge at advanced level required for translation activities on a professional level.
6. Students will be able to transfer the written, audio and visual source texts to target language regarding the demands of the employee, peculiarities of the source texts, terminology used, field language, and local register.
7. Students will be able to evaluate and correct the target text according to the content, aim and visual aspects of the source text.
8. Students will be able to conduct projects and work harmoniously with the other members of the team.
9. Students will be able to undertake the necessary research required by the translation process.
10. Students will be able to conduct unilingual and multilingual terminology work.
11. Students will be able to makes use of information and translation technologies in an effective way.
12. Students will be able to recognize and define various steps/levels during the translation process, translation strategies and various problems encountered during this process and develop strategies to solve these problems.
13. Students will follow the latest national and international developments in the field of Translation Studies and constantly develop his/her vocational knowledge and abilities.
14. Students will develop his critical and creative thinking abilities along with his capabilities of problem- solving, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
15. Students will act in accordance with the ethical principles of their profession.


The graduates will be able to work as translators in public sector and private sector such as schools, universities, companies, media, embassies, etc.

The objectives of the course are:
- to equip students with a firm grasp on the cultures of languages as well as a general world knowledge at national and international levels.
- to guide students to have interpersonal communication skills
- to enhance students'knowledge of general vocabulary and specific terminology related to various fields for translation activities
-.to familiarize students with different methods and strategies of translation
- to help students develop their their research skills in translation
- to improve students' translation skills such as consecutive translation, simultaneous translation, on-sight translation, coping with multi-tasking, etc.
- to train students in effective team work.
- to introduce students to the use of information and translation technologies in an effective way.
- to improve students' critical and creative thinking abilities along with his capabilities of problem- solving, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
- to teach students to act in accordance with the ethical principles of their profession.

- lectures
- projects,
- lab-work
-authentic field work

Students are expected to complete 129 credits, 240ECTS with the minimum gpa of 2.00 to graduate from this programme.

Last Update: 02/08/2017

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