The re-use of existing buildings has become in the last decade an indispensable component of the formation process of contemporary built environments. Interior architecture is therefore changing in time, including within its domain the renewal of existing buildings. These projects not only should take into account the history of the building, but also include restoration practices together with the design of the new parts according to accessibility, sustainability, and aesthetics. Interior architects should have an extensive knowledge of spatial design, technologies, materials, building codes, health and safety, ergonomics, visual and psychological aspects, building materials, and project management. In order to design functional, long-lasting and beautiful interior spaces, interior architects should be able to interpret the historical and environmental conditions of a building, and respect them within their contemporary design. The Department of Interior Architecture's curriculum includes the information necessary to enhance the students' skills in a wide range of topics, including interior design, restoration and survey, furniture design, model making, building materials, presentation techniques and history of architecture and design. Interactive design studio courses, under the supervision of qualified lecturers, are the core of interior architecture education: herein students follow every semester a different design assignment so to improve their design, research and presentation skills